Saturday, 14 September 2013


I.          PURPOSE
To describe the procedure for organizing and conducting technical training to all the employees and to motivate towards Quality standards at all the levels in the plant.
II.        SCOPE
This procedure is applicable to the employees of all the departments at, Unit-V.
Induction Training  – Personnel Department.
On the Job Training – Department Heads.
GMP Training – Quality Assurance Department.
Proficiency Training – Quality Assurance Department.
Head - QA
1.1              Concerned HODs shall ensure that the persons employed for the functions have an appropriate combination of training and experience to perform the assigned functions.
1.2              Department Head shall provide additional supervision until the requirements have been met to perform the assigned functions.
1.3              Training shall cover the specific operations that the employee is expected to perform the activities as per the cGMP.
1.4              Training shall also cover the importance of the execution of the work as per the written procedures.
1.5              Identification of training needs
1.5.1        Training shall be chosen to bring the employee to a basic level of 
understanding of skills needed to do the job.
1.5.2        Specific training shall be given to the following employees  Those working in aseptic areas  Those handling toxic and inflammable materials  Those attending electrical works
1.6              Trainer
1.6.1        Trainer shall have good communication skills.
1.6.2        Trainer shall have sound knowledge of cGMP systems and on the topic.
1.6.3        Asst. Manager and above level can give training directly without the approval of Head QA. 
                        1.6.4    Person below the Asst.manager level can also give training by taking                                               approval from Head QA.
1.7              Training coordinator
1.7.1        Shall execute trainings as per approved schedule.
1.7.2        Shall maintain training records.
1.7.3        Shall evaluate the questionnaires.
1.7.4        Shall ensure that individual employee training records are updated.
1.7.5        Shall update the training topics as per new amendments in guidelines

1.8              Training aids
1.8.1        Video Tape
1.8.2        Over Head Projector
1.8.3        Slides
1.8.4        White Board
1.8.5        Study Material
1.8.6        Liquid crystal display (LCD)
1.9              Training Duration
1.9.1        Training duration shall not be less than 30 min and not more than 2 hours.
1.10          Training category
1.10.1    Trainings are categorized into four types                      Induction Training                      On- The- Job Training                      GMP Training                      Proficiency Training
1.11          Induction Training
1.11.1    HRD department shall give Induction Training to all the newly appointed employees.
1.11.2    This training shall be given for 1 to 2 days as per ‘Induction Training         .
1.11.3    Finally  ‘Induction training           shall be filed in HRD department.

1.12          On The Job Training
1.12.1    This shall be provided by the respective department Head.
1.12.2    Department Head shall prepare the ‘OJT Training Schedule’ as per
Format No.: F01/SOPQA017-00.
1.12.3    OJT Training schedule shall be prepared in such a way that all the SOPs are covered twice a year.
1.12.4    Training schedule duly signed by the concerned HOD shall be sent to the Head QA for approval.
1.12.5    Controlled /Reference copies of SOPs shall be used to give On the Job Training.
1.12.6    If the OJT training is conducted with in the department, training attendance shall be recorded as per Format No.:F02/SOPQA017-00.
1.12.7    If the OJT training is conducted in conference hall as a group, training attendance shall be recorded as per Format No.: F08/SOPQA017-00.
                        1.12.8  Approved training schedules can be changed if required, after taking approval       from Head QA.
1.12.8    Department head shall prepare the ‘Training identification matrix’ as per the          
Format No.: F07/SOPQA017-00.
                        1.12.9  ‘Training identification matrix’ shall be updated as per the changes in the                                                    employee’s job responsibility.
1.12.10 Employees shall undergo training on SOPs as per the‘Training identification 
1.12.11 The person who performs the activity for the first time shall be treated as a new 
             trainee irrespective of their previous experience.
1.12.10        All the new trainees shall receive direct training in each task they are going to perform in their respective departments i.e. as per the ‘Training identification matrix’.         
1.12.11        OJT training direct evaluation shall be carried out as per
                Format No.: F10/SOPQA017-00 and Indirect evaluation shall be carried as per
                            Format No.: F11/SOPQA017-00.
1.12.12        After taking evaluation, employee shall be allowed to perform the related tasks as per respective SOP.
1.13           GMP Training
1.13.1     All the employees shall be provided training to know the importance of GMP aspects with respect to their job activity.
1.13.2    QA shall prepare  ‘GMP Training schedule’ as per Format No: F01/SOPQA017-00 and this shall be approved by Head QA.
1.13.3    QA shall conduct the GMP trainings as per the schedule.
1.12.9    GMP training shall be conducted in conference as a group, training attendance shall be recorded as per Format No.: F08/SOPQA017-00.
1.13.4    GMP evaluation can be oral, written or combination of both.
1.13.5    GMP evaluation shall be carried out as Format No: F03/SOPQA017-00.

1.14       Proficiency Training (PT)
1.14.1    This training is categorized into Internal and External training.
1.14.2    Internal training: The training, which is conducted within the facility by internal or external trainers.
1.14.3    External training: The training, which is conducted by the external trainer at out side the facility.
1.14.4    The objective of this training is to improve the knowledge of the employee and expertise them in their respective areas.
1.14.5    Internal training attendance shall be recorded as per             FormatNo.:F08/SOPQA017-00.
1.14.6    External training attendance shall be recorded as per
            Format No.: F05/SOPQA017-00.
1.14.7    Internal training shall be assessed by oral/written or combination of both.
1.14.8    External training need not be assessed.
1.15      Grading
1.15.1   Grading shall be given as per the below table.
Below 70
Retraining required
70 - 80
81 - 90
Very Good
91 - 100
*If the person scores below 70%, he shall be retrained on the same topic.
1.16     List of Formats
Format No.
Training Schedule
F02/ SOPQA017-00
Training attendance record
(In department)
F03/ SOPQA017-00
Training Evaluation Record (GMP/PT)
F04/ SOPQA017-00
Employee Training Record
F05/ SOPQA017-00
External Training Record
F06/ SOPQA017-00
Circular for Interoffice communication
F07/ SOPQA017-00
Training Identification Matrix
F08/ SOPQA017-00
Training Attendance Record
 (In conference hall)
F09/ SOPQA017-00
Induction Training Report
F10/ SOPQA017-00
On the Job Training Evaluation (Direct)
F11/ SOPQA017-00
On the Job Training Evaluation (Indirect)

Version No.
Revised on

Reason for Revision





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