1. High Performance
Liquid Chromatography
2. Water HPLC grade
3. Methanol LR grade
4 .Asiaticoside
working standard
Standard Preparation :
accurately about 25mg of in working standard into a 25mL volumetric flask. Add
20mL methanol. Ultrasonicate for 15 minutes. Cool and make up the volume with
methanol. Shake well and filter through 0.45μm filter paper.
Preparation :
accurately about 100mg of sample into a 100 mL volumetric flask. Add about 20mL methanol. Ultrasonicate for 15
minutes. Cool and make up the volume with methanol. Ensure that the
concentration of active ingredient in sample solution is approximately similar
to that of std solution. Shake well and filter through 0.45μm filter paper.
For Raw material: Take 10 gm of herb powder(20#)
and reflux in methanol for 1hrs. twice
Chromatographic Condition:
Mobile Phase - Acetonitrile : Water [ 60 : 40
Column - Phenomenex luna 5µ,
C18 (250mm X 4.6mm)
Mode – Isocratic
Injection Volume – 20 µL
Flow rate – 1.0mL /minute
Detector wavelength – 220nm
Condition - RT
Area of sample X Concentration of std X
purity of std
% of Asiaticoside =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Area of standard X
Concentration of sample
Asiaticoside is a natural triterpenoid found in the herbs of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. Asiaticoside shows an anxiolytic-like and antidepressant-like effects. The active ingredient asiaticoside of Asiaticoside may be useful for the anti-gastric ulcers Asiaticoside