Thursday 26 September 2013

Gymnemic acid content

Method for the estimation of  Gymnemic acid content

Reagent Required:
2N Sulphuric Acid, N/10 NaOH solution

2N Sulphuric Acid :-13.5mL of Sulphuric acid (LR) in water and make up to 250mL.
N/10 NaOH Solution: Dissolve 2gm sodium Hydroxide pellets in 500mL distilled water.

Glass wares and Apparatus Required:
 Beaker 250mL, Glass road, Filter paper Whatman No.1

Weigh accurately about 1.0gm of dry extract powder in a beaker and add 50mL of water and stir. If the material is not completely dissolve add 10mL of N/10 NaOH and shake well. Filter through ordinary filter paper. Wash filter paper with 10mL of water and add it to the above filtrate and add carefully 2N H2SO4 with constant stirring upto pH 2.0. Allow the precipitate to settle for 1 hour. Filter under vacuum and collect the precipitate on a previously weighed whatman No.1 filter paper. Dry the precipitate in an oven  to constant weight, cool in desiccators and weigh.
Percentage of Gymnemic Acid Content is calculated as:
             (A – B) X 100 
A = Weight of filter paper with Gymnemic acid
B = Weight of filter paper
W = Weight of material taken

Note : For 25% of Gymnemic acid sample should be taken 3.0 gm.

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