for the estimation of Alkaloids content
& solvents Required:
Diethyl ether, Methanol, Dilute ammonia
solution, Chloroform, 1N Sulphuric Acid, 0.5N Sulphuric Acid
and Apparatus Required: Stoppered flask, Measuring cylinder, Funnel,
Separating funnel, Beaker, Filter paper and pipette.
Weigh accurately about 3.0gm sample (Fine
powder) in a 250mL stoppered conical flask. Add 75mL of a mixture of diethyl
ether and methanol (4:1). Shake well and set aside for 15 minutes and add 5mL
of dilute ammonia solution and shake frequently during one hour. Transfer the
liquid to a separating funnel through cotton plug. Now wash the cotton with 25mL
mixture of diethyl ether and methanol (4:1) and then with diethyl ether. Add
30mL of 1N H2SO4 and shake well, allow separating and
running off the lower layer into another separator. Continue the extraction 1st
with 25mL and then with 20mL of mixture of 5 volume of 0.5N H2SO4
and 1 volume of methanol. Collect all the acid solution in another separating
funnel. Wash the combined acid solution first with 10mL and then with two
successive portions each of 5mL of chloroform, washing each chloroform layer
with the same 20mL of 0.5N sulphuric acid contained in another separator.
Reject the chloroform layer. Combined all the acid solution. Make acid solution
neutral with dilute ammonia solution (Use litmus paper to check pH) and add 5mL
in excess. Shake with successive quantities, 5x10mL chloroform. Wash each
chloroform extract separately with the same 5mL of water and filter the chloroform
layer through whatman no.1 filter paper over a bed of sodium sulphate into a
pre- weighed evaporating dish. Evaporate on water bath, until about 2mL
remains. Add 2mL of ethyl alcohol and continue the evaporation on water bath.
Repeat the process using two further quantities, each of 2mL of ethyl alcohol
and dry the residue for 1 hour at 80oc and weigh the dish and
calculate total alkaloids.
Calculate the percentage of Total alkaloids
(A – B ) X 100
A = Weight of Beaker
+ Residue
B = Weight of Empty
W = Weight of
material taken
For raw
material : 10gm
sample (20 #) is to be taken in the case of raw material and the quantity
of (diethyl ether : methanol) ratio
shall be increased accordingly. Rest of the method is same as above.
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