Thursday, 26 September 2013

Method for the estimation of Total Triterpenes content

Method for the estimation of Total Triterpenes content

Reagent Required:
Methanol L.R. Grade, acetone L.R. Grade

Glass wares and Apparatus Required:
R.B. flask, condenser, soxhlet apparatus, funnel, whatman filter paper No. 1, glass rod, Evaporating dish, beaker 250mL.
Weigh accurately about 3gm of dry extract powder in a 250mL R.B. flask & add 50mL of methanol L.R. Grade and reflux on water bath for 1 hour.  Cool & filter. Repeat the process two times more in the same manner. Combine all the three extracts (filtrate). Reduce the volume of the combined filtrate to 15mL to 20mL and add the same drop wise with continuous stirring to 50mL acetone in a pre-weighed dish. Allow the ppt. to settle for an hour. Decant the upper layer and dry the precipitated portion on water bath (avoid bumping). Finally dry in an oven at 80oC to 90oC. Cool it in dessicator and weigh.

Percentage of Total Triterpenes as asiaticosides (w/w) is calculated as:

(A – B)  X 100


A   = weight of total triterpene + empty dish
B   = weight of empty dish
W  = weight of sample taken

For raw material: 10gm sample (20 #) is to be taken in the case of raw material and the quantity of  methanol shall be increased accordingly. Rest of the method is same as above.

Method for the estimation of Total Triterpenes content

Reagent Required:
Methanol L.R. Grade, acetone L.R. Grade

Glass wares and Apparatus Required:
R.B. flask, condenser, soxhlet apparatus, funnel, whatman filter paper No. 1, glass rod, Evaporating dish, beaker 250mL.
Weigh accurately about 3gm of dry extract powder in a 250mL R.B. flask & add 50mL of methanol L.R. Grade and reflux on water bath for 1 hour.  Cool & filter. Repeat the process two times more in the same manner. Combine all the three extracts (filtrate). Reduce the volume of the combined filtrate to 15mL to 20mL and add the same drop wise with continuous stirring to 50mL acetone in a pre-weighed dish. Allow the ppt. to settle for an hour. Decant the upper layer and dry the precipitated portion on water bath (avoid bumping). Finally dry in an oven at 80oC to 90oC. Cool it in dessicator and weigh.

Percentage of Total Triterpenes as asiaticosides (w/w) is calculated as:

(A – B)  X 100


A   = weight of total triterpene + empty dish
B   = weight of empty dish
W  = weight of sample taken

For raw material: 10gm sample (20 #) is to be taken in the case of raw material and the quantity of  methanol shall be increased accordingly. Rest of the method is same as above.

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