Sunday, 15 September 2013

SOP for operation of anerobic jar

I           PURPOSE

            To describe the procedure for operation of anerobic jar

II         SCOPE

            This procedure is applicable to Anaerobic jar in Microbiology Department….


Microbiologist – Quality Control

Incharge  - Quality Control
1.0              Anaerobic system consists of a jar (polycarbonate), an outer lid with thumbscrew, an inner lid with o-ring gasket, three catalyst reaction chambers, catalyst replacement charges/gas pack plus envelopes, one wire rack, and test tube rack.
           2.0       Using of catalyst replacement charges
2.1       Principle: Oxygen is removed from the jar by catalytic reaction. The catalyst           activates Hydrogen gas, introduced into jars by activation of Gas Pack disposable    Hydrogen +carbon dioxide generator envelopes to combine with free oxygen    in the jar to form water, which may be observed as condensate on the inner wall of the jar.
2.2        Arrange the required plates / tubes in the anaerobic jar.
2.3        Unscrew the catalyst chamber from underside of gas pack lid and remove catalyst.
2.4        Place one bag of fresh catalyst pellets (2.5 ± 0.5 g) in the chamber.
2.5         Hold the lid underside down, and screw the chamber in to the threaded hole in     the lid. Do not invert chamber while performing this operation. If the chamber is    inverted. Pellets may fall in to the threaded hole and be crushed. This could          produce pellet             fragments and dust which may subsequently escape through the        screen and into the jar when the jar is being operated. Avoid this possibility by          maintaining the chamber in a “thread up-screen down” position when tightening it into place on the bottom of  the lid.
2.6        As a further safety precaution before each use. Gently shake the lid to assure that any dust, which may be present, will fall from the screen prior to placing the lid   on  jar.
            3.0       Using of gas pack plus envelopes
3.1        Principle: The gas pack plus envelope is activated by the addition of water, which passes       through a series of channels to a filter paper wick. The wicks feeds the        water to the gas-      generating tablets in the tablet chamber. Hydrogen   generated from a sodium borohydride       tablet following the addition of          water, combines with the oxygen in the jar in the of the palladium catalyst to         form water.
3.2        If using the gas pack plus envelopes there is no need of using catalyst         replacement charges or viceversa.
3.3        Arrange the required plates / tubes in the anaerobic jar.
3.4        Peel open the corner of the envelope along the dotted line and place the envelope in the   clip of the rack with the catalyst sachet toward the outside. Three    envelopes should be    used for one run of the anaerobic system.
3.5       Add 10 ml of tap, distilled or de-ionized water through the open / cut corner of the       
            envelope. Use a pipette or syringe inserting only the tip in to the open corner.         Never push object down in to the envelope.
3.6        Close the gas pack jar promptly after envelope is activated and finger tighten the
lid clamp in the manner described in the insert directions for the system being used. Incubate at conditions appropriate for the organisms being cultured, but not above 42°C.
3.7       After use, open the jar and allow it to aerate for approximately 15 seconds prior to     
            removing the rack with its contents. Do not handle the gas Pack envelope until      after the    catalyst, the use of palladium catalyst pellets in the catalyst reaction            chambers in the lids  of Gas Pack jars is not required).
4.0                  Each gas pack system should be tested periodically for its ability to provide adequate              conditions for the        growth of anaerobic bacteria.
5.0                  If visible condensation does not occur with in 60 min. after the gas pack system is started                   then the reaction should be terminated by opening the jar. Check the condition of                          the lid and o-ring gasket for the leakages.

6.0                  The system must contain fresh or rejuvenated catalyst if envelopes with out integral                       catalyst are used and the system should be maintained upright all times.

Version No.

Revised on

Reason for Revision




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